How to Choose the Right Resin for the Job
When designed intelligently, injection molded parts can offer product designers durable, light-weight, and cost-effective alternatives to metal parts. But ensuring that an injection molded part lives up to this potential depends in large part on choosing the best resin. Every resin manufacturer publishes in-depth specifications on the properties of their products, but trying to sort out which ones are right for the performance of a specific part can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, there’s no simple formula or algorithm to follow to select the most appropriate resin for a particular part or application.
Complete the form to get the workbook. 
Resin selection is an essential part of the planning and design of your project, so it's worth taking time to work through your requirements. Download our workbook to learn which characteristics will influence your resin choice:
- Your part geometry
- The design goals for the part
- The key physical attributes required of the finished part
- Required regulatory approvals
- Appearance
- Chemical and radiation exposure
- Electrical performance
...and much more
Complete the form to download our handy workbook.